
Small Agency Administrative Services Committee

About the Small Agency Administrative Services Committee

The Small Agency Administrative Services Committee comprises a broad representation of administrative professionals from about 90 small, independent federal agencies. Members represent administrative leaders from a variety of backgrounds and meet monthly to discuss issues of interest to the community. Members of the administrative services committee share information across a broad range of administrative issues including agency reporting, compliance, policy, human resources, IT, finance, records, facilities and more. As small agencies have the same obligations and responsibilities of larger agencies, with less funding and staff, the committee serves as a resource for information sharing and advocacy on behalf of all small agencies. The committee serves as:

  • an effective information forum to learn what is happening in the broad category of Federal Government administration;
  • a networking opportunity so that agency administrative leaders can meet each other and exchange ideas; and
  • an effective liaison between agency administrative leaders and OMB, GSA and other central management agencies/offices;
  • ensuring that small independent agencies have a forum for discussing existing and new guidance and reporting requirements.

Committee Membership / Contacts

The committee welcomes all members of the small agency administrative workforce from chief operating officers, administrative officers, directors, managers, and persons responsible for administrative services.

To become a member, sign up for the listserv by sending an email to The listserv is used for all communications and meeting invites for the ASC.

Upcoming Meetings

The committee meets monthly and sends all meeting invites through the SAC-ASC listserv. To join the list, send an email to

Contact the Committee

For questions, please contact:
Erica Barker, Chair
Secretary and Chief Administrative Officer
Postal Regulatory Commission